Meet Michelle

Who is Michelle St. Pierre? Michelle is a survivor. She has been challenged by cancer and beat the odds twice. She has two beautiful children……even though the doctors told her having children would be impossible! Michelle has been through abuse and raised her 2 children most of their lives as a single mom sometimes needing the assistance of social services to just make ends meet. Zachary, Michelle’s youngest child has special needs (autism), this proved to be an even bigger challenge as employers did not think the needs of her son were as important as their bottom line.


Through the years Michelle has continuously gone out of her way to help anyone that is trying to better their life. She has fostered a 17 year old boy who had to escape abusive parents. She knew nothing of this boy but that her daughter brought him home from school and said he was not safe and needed her help. Eric has been living as part of the family for two years. He will graduate from high school this year. An accomplishment he completely realizes would not have been possible with out Michelle’s assistance. Michelle’s home sometimes seems more like a rooming house, with a waiting list a mile long.


In 2006 Michelle opened work wise office solutions. She wanted to help people and be able to take care of her family……and be there for her son. Working from home proved to be an excellent idea. She didn’t realize what a monstrous idea she had created. It seems that there are a lot of people that want to be treated with respect and have the feeling that someone actually cares about them and their future.


Work Wise has grown beyond Michelle’s wildest expectations. She has kept true to her values by hiring people who….others may not have offered the job because of background or lack of experience. Michelle is willing to teach anyone who is willing to learn. Life experience counts for a lot.


Work Wise has never lost a client. They love and respect Michelle’s experience, service and advice. We receive messages and notes from people who call her their saviour, and who thank her for saving their lives. She leaves people with a peace of mind that allows them to sleep better at night. Michelle is a truly phenomenal lady, who does way more than bookkeeping and taxes. She makes people truly happy just by being in her presence. She gives back to her community at every turn without even a thought.